Parliamentary Mechanisms in the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda

14 - 15 June 2020, Hybrid

The 19th ESDN Workshop took place in Vienna, Austria on 14-15 June 2021!

The title of this Workshop was “Parliamentary Mechanisms in the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda” and looked more closely at national level and stakeholder mechanisms in Europe that exist to aid in Parliamentary involvement in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. The Workshop featured a mixture of keynote presentations, interactive sessions, and many opportunities for discussion. Due to COVID-19, the Workshop was held as a hybrid event: Day one (14 June) took place at the Austrian Parliament for a small contingent of speakers, but was open to all participants virtually. On Day 2 (15 June), the Workshop was held virtually.

Leonore Gewessler, the Austrian Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Karoline Edtstadler, the Federal Minister for the EU and Constitution at the Austrian Federal Chancellery, and Harald Dossi, Secretary General of the Austrian Parliament, were keynote speakers!

Keynote Presentations
Session 1: National Parliamentary Mechanisms in 2030 Agenda Implementation – How do they work?

Denmark: 2030 Panel

Clara Halvorsen, Vice-Chair of the 2030 Panel, Denmark

Hungary: National Council for Sustainable Development

Erzsébet Schmuck, Member of the National Assembly (MP), President of the Committee on Sustainable Development of the Hungarian Parliament, Hungary

SDG Watch Europe’s ‘MEPs for SDGs’ Initiative

 Julie M. Rosenkilde, Director of Nyt Europa and Steering Committee member of SDG Watch Europe, Belgium

Romania: Importance of Parliament in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda

Rozália-Ibolya Biró, President of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Romanian Parliament, Romania

Session 2: Strategies and methods on how to implement the SGDs by parliamentary means

Finland: “Committee for the Future”

Joakim Strand, Member of Finnish Parliament and Chair of the Committee for the Future of the Finnish Parliament, Finland

Austria: National Parliamentary Representatives                

Carmen Jeitler-Cincelli, Member of Austrian Parliament, ÖVP (Austrian People’s Party), Austria

Petra Bayr, Member of Austrian Parliament, SPÖ (Social Democratic Party of Austria), Austria

Astrid Rössler, Member of Austrian Parliament, Die Grünen (Greens), Austria

Session 3: NGO – Parliamentary mechanisms in 2030 Agenda implementation

The Netherlands: Policy Coherence for SD and “Adopt an SDG” Campaign

Rosa van Driel, Building Change Project Manager, The Netherlands

European Economic and Social Committee

Peter Schmidt, President of the EESC Section for Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment, Belgium

Austria: SDG Watch Austria

Bernhard Zlanabitnig, SDG Watch Austria, Austria

Mobilizing Parliamentarians and Multi-stakeholder Engagement

Kirsten Brosbøl, CEO & Founder of 2030beyond and Founder of Parliamentarians for the Global Goals, Denmark

Session 4: Breakout Groups
Session 5: Collective learnings – What have we learned?


A look at the history of the ESDN reveals that ESDN Workshops have played a prominent role in facilitating networking between European SD practitioners and policy advisors. This section of the website provides a one-stop-shop documentation of all ESDN Workshops so far. Please click on one of the Workshops for more details: