"Strengthening environmental and sustainable development dialogue in Europe in the context of the 2030 SD Agenda"

12 - 13 November 2015, Paris, France

The 13th ESDN Workshop, “Strengthening environmental and sustainable development dialogue in Europe in the context of the 2030 SD Agenda”, took place in Paris on 12-13 November 2015. This ESDN Workshop was a joint event with the EEAC Annual Conference 2015, “Civil Society and climate change: On the road to Paris”, starting in the evening of 12 November and running until noon on 13 November. Both events were organized in cooperation with the French Ministry for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy.

The ESDN Workshop focused on environmental and SD dialogues in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In recent years, the environmental dialogue between policy makers and stakeholders has gained important momentum in France with the unique annual “conférences environnementale” that bring together all stakeholders around the ecological transition towards sustainable development. The ESDN Workshop took stock of European experiences of environmental and sustainable development dialogues in different countries and reflect upon how to improve stakeholder dialogues, also in the context of the 2030 SD Agenda.


Keynote presentations
Session 1: Role of Stakeholders in Environmental and Sustainable Development Dialogues

Importance of stakeholder engagement and participation in the 2030 SD Agenda implementation

Stefanos Fotiou: Head of Unit - Cities and Lifestyles, UNEP, Switzerland

Added value and challenges of stakeholder dialogues for achieving environmental and sustainable development objectives

Farooq Ullah: Executive Director, Stakeholder Forum, United Kingdom

Session 2: National Experiences with Environmental and Sustainable Development Dialogues

French experiences with the environmental dialogue “Conférence environnementale” and the governmental roadmap

Isabelle Derville: Head of the sustainable development delegation, Office of the Commissioner General for Sustainable Development (CGDD), France

Experiences with environmental and sustainable development dialogues and stakeholder participation in various European countries: suggestions for implementing the 2030 SD Agenda

Finland: National Council for SD

Annika Lindblom: Ministry of the Environment, Finland

Germany: The 2016 Review of the German Sustainable Development Strategy

Monika Frieling, Federal Chancellery, Germany

Switzerland: Stakeholder Dialogue and Forum for Sustainable Development

Daniel Dubas and Till Berger: Federal Department for the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC)

Session 3: Advancing Environmental and Sustainable Development Dialogues -Big Ideas and Recommendations
Session 4: The Role of Environmental and Sustainable Development Dialogues in Europe and Beyond


A look at the history of the ESDN reveals that ESDN Workshops have played a prominent role in facilitating networking between European SD practitioners and policy advisors. This section of the website provides a one-stop-shop documentation of all ESDN Workshops so far. Please click on one of the Workshops for more details: