21st ESDN Workshop on Culture and Sustainable Development & SDG Implementation in Policymaking – Approaches in SDG Budgeting, Mainstreaming, and Performance Management

Information on the 21st ESDN Workshop

The 21st ESDN Workshop took place in Vienna, Austria on 22-23 May 2023! The ESDN organized the Workshop in cooperation with the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service, and Sport, as well as the Federal Chancellery.

This year’s Workshop was slightly different regarding the topics, as we had two different topics for the Workshop (one topic on the 22nd and the other topic on the 23rd). The Workshop is scheduled began in the afternoon on 22 May, where the topic was “Culture and Sustainable Development”. The following day, 23 May, began in the morning on the topic of “SDG Implementation in Policymaking – Approaches in SDG Budgeting, Mainstreaming, and Performance Management”.

PowerPoint presentations from the Workshop speakers can be found below. A photo album from the Workshop can also be found above. Photo credits belong to: BMK/Viktoria Miess. 

Keynote Presentations 21st ESDN Workshop
Culture and Sustainable Development

Workshop Day 1 22 May

Culture, Art, and Sustainability: Opportunities and Mutual Inspiration, Including the Project “17 Museums x 17 SDGs"

Bettina Leidl, Director of Museums Quartier Vienna, and President of ICOM, Austria

Culture for Sustainability as a Transversal Instrument for Agenda 2030 and NSDS Implementation

Anna Bombonato, Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, Italy

Theater and Cultural Models for Sustainability

László Borbély, ESDN Vice President, Prime Minister’s Office – Department for Sustainable Development, Romania

SDGs and Different Sustainability Cultures

Dorine van Norren, Van Vollenhoven institute of Law Governance and Society (and strategic advisor at the MFA), Netherlands

Session 1: Experiences in Policymaking on SDG Implementation

Workshop Day 2 23 May

European Experiences on Policy Coordination for the SDGs

Carina Lindberg  & Anna Piccinni, OECD, France 

EU Commission: Mainstreaming Green, Biodiversity, Gender, and Digital Contributions of the EU’s Budget

Benedikt Gamillscheg, European Commission Directorate-General – Budget, Belgium

Halfway to 2030 – What do policymakers still need to do until 2030?

Bernhard Zlanabitnig, European Environmental Bureau and SDG Watch Europe, Austria


A look at the history of the ESDN reveals that ESDN Workshops have played a prominent role in facilitating networking between European SD practitioners and policy advisors. This section of the website provides a one-stop-shop documentation of all ESDN Workshops so far. Please click on one of the Workshops for more details: