ESDN Conference 2010

“Towards an Economy compatible with Sustainable Development Principles: "Green" Strategies in the context of Sustainable Development”

Ghent 4 - 6 July 2010

The ESDN Conference 2010 was hosted by the Belgian EU Presidency and took place in Ghent on 4-6 July 2010. The conference aimed to reflect on linking economic growth and sustainable development based on the results of the 5th ESDN Workshop that took place in Madrid in March 2010. More specifically, the conference elaborated on how best to address environmental and social challenges in strategies and activities that link economic growth and sustainable development, particularly in the “Europe 2020” strategy, UNEP’s Green Economy Initiative and the preparation of UNCSD 2010 as well as the OECD’s Green Growth Strategy. In so doing, the conference participants discussed innovative approaches of sustainable development, how to achieve coherence among policy sectors, and reflected on governance mechanisms, policy tools and monitoring schemes. The conference will comprised three sessions: (i) Linking economic growth and sustainable development – addressing environmental and social challenges, (ii) From green growth towards an economy compatible with sustainable development principles (parallel working groups), and (iii) Moving towards a sustainable economy: criteria, tools and mechanisms.

Keynote Presentations
Session 1: Linking economic growth and sustainable development – Addressing environmental and social challenges

Objectives of the Conference, recapof the 5th ESDN Workshop in Madrid & principles of a sustainable economy

Elisabeth Freytag: ESDN Co-chair, Austrian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management & André Martinuzzi: ESDN Office at the Research Institute for Managing Sustainability, WU Vienna

Environmental opportunities in times of the triple crises

David Gee: Senior Advisor, European Environment Agency

Addressing social challenges in strategies that link economic growth and sustainable development

Leida Rijnhout: Executive Director, Northern Alliance for Sustainability

“Europe 2020” Strategy

Tonnie De Koster: Policy Coordinator, Secretariat-General of the European Commission

UNEP’s Green Economy Initiative & UNCSD 2012

Christophe Bouvier: Director of the Regional Office for Europe, UNEP

OECD’s Green Growth Strategy

Robert Visser: Deputy-Director of the Environment Directorate, OECD

Session 2: Parallel Working Groups – From green growth towards an economy compatible with SD principles

Parallel working groups: Reflecting on how the strategies address economic, environmental and social challenges

Working group 1: “Europe 2020” Strategy

Working group 2: UNEP’s Green Economy Initiative & UNCSD 2012

Working group 3: Green Growth Strategy of OECD

Break-out event: Presentation of the activities of SD planNet-Asia & Pacific

“Eurostat – EU SDS monitoring report 2009”

Vincent Tronet: Eurostat

“Bridging Policy Network: Europe and Asia and the Pacific”

Wanida Wanichpongpan: SDplanNet AP Coordinator

Session 3: Moving towards a sustainable economy – Governance perspectives

Switching to a sustainable society and economy on the wake of the financial turbulence – governance perspectives

Tim O’Riordan: University of East Anglia, co-chair of the EEAC Sustainable Development Working Group & former Commissioner of the UK Sustainable Development Commission

“Concluding remarks & further steps”

Elisabeth Freytag: ESDN Co-chair, Austrian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management

Key recommendations from the parallel working groups

“Europe 2020” strategy

UNEP’s Green Economy Initiative

OECD’s Green Growth Strategy

Break-out events

“Development towards a  sustainable society: Finland – The Netherlands 1975 – 2008”

Sauli Rouhinen: Director, Sustainable Development, Ministry of the Environment, Finland & Geurt van de Kerk: President of Sustainable Society Foundation

Knowledge brokerage in sustainable consumption – Fostering exchange between policy-makers and researchers

“FP 7 research projects & their link to ESDN: RESPONDER”

Gerald Berger: ESDN Office at the Research Institute for Managing Sustainability, WU Wien

“Knowledge Brokerage in Sustainable Consumption: Introducing the project CORPUS”

Gerd Scholl: Institute for Ecological Economy Research, Germany