ESDN Conference 2006

"Sustainable Development goes Mozart"

Salzburg, Austria 1 - 2 June 2006

The European Sustainable Development Network (ESDN) Conference was hosted on Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd June in Salzburg. This conference was the fifth in a series of similar events.

The purpose of the 2006 ESDN Conference was to exchange knowledge and experiences on

  • The challenge of vertically integrating SD policies across levels of governance (EU – national-sub-national levels of governance),
  • Evaluating and peer reviewing SD strategies and
  • Further developing the ESDN

The three issues were dealt with in keynote presentations, working groups, a guided poster session, “word-rap interventions”, and plenary discussions.

Keynote Presentations
Session 1: The renewed EU SD Strategy
Session 2: Exchange of experiences on good practices

From ESDN Practice to Network Theory - and Back

André Martinuzzi & Reinhard Steurer, ESDN Office

Session 3: Evaluation, reviewing and monitoring SD strategy processes

Experiences with peer reviews at the OCED and possible lessons for peer reviewing in the context of SD strategies

Christian Averous: OECD

Breakout-session with working groups

What do the possible changes of the EU SDS imply for the SD strategy of your country/your region?

WG 1: Northern Europe

WG 2/4: Western Europe & Central Eastern Europe

WG 3: Central Western Europe

WG 5: Southern Europe

How could the relationship between the EU SDS and national SD strategies be developed further?

WG 6

WG 7

The link between the previous EU SDS and the Lisbon Process was often criticized as weak. How should the new EU SDS tackle this issue?

WG 8

WG 9

WG 10