ESDN Conference 2013

“Vienna +10: National Sustainable Development Strategies in Europe – Taking stock, new developments and future challenges”

Vienna 13 - 14 November 2013

The ESDN Conference 2013 took place in Vienna, Austria on 13-14 June 2013. The conference was organized by the ESDN in cooperation with the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management. In total, 55 participants from 20 countries (19 European countries and New Zealand) attended the conference.

The ESDN Conference 2013 had the title “Vienna +10: National Sustainable Development Strategies in Europe – Taking stock, new developments and future challenges”. Ten years after the first ESDN Conference in Vienna, in 2003, which provided important inputs on SD strategies in Europe, we revisited NSDSs as one of the core themes of the ESDN.

The objective of the ESDN Conference 2013 was to take stock of NSDSs processes and objectives, investigate past achievements, explore new developments, and identify future challenges.

Keynote Presentations
Session 1: The past 10 years of NSDSs in Europe and new developments

Experiences with National Sustainable Development Strategies (NSDSs) in Europe –the last 10 yearsand taking stock of the current situation

André Martinuzzi & Gerald Berger: ESDN Office, Research Institute for Managing Sustainability, Austria

The importance of SD strategies in Europe and beyond –and how they could relate to the new post-Rio+20 Sustainable Development Goals

Derek Osborn: Expert in the German NSDS Peer Review, former member of the European Economic and Social Committee, UK

Session 2: Past achievements of NSDSs in Europe
Session 3: The future for NSDSs in Europe and beyond

Wolfram Tertschnig: ESDN Steering Group, Austria

Sylvie Motard: Senior Programme Officer, UNEP Regional Office for Europe

Staffan Nilsson: Member European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the EESC’s SD Observatory

Günther Bachmann: Secretary General of the German Council for SD

Mariana Popova: Eurostat

Session 5: Key issues for the ESDN to support future needs and challenges for NSDSs