ESDN Conference 2009
"Options and Opportunities for the future EU Sustainable Development Strategy"
Prague, Czech Republic 17-19 June 2009
The ESDN Conference 2009 was hosted by the Czech EU Presidency, in cooperation with the Swedish EU Presidency, and took place at the Congress Centre in Prague on 17-19 June 2009. The focus of the conference was on "Options and Opportunities for the future EU Sustainable Development Strategy". The conference comprised three sessions: (i) Coherence of strategies & the challenge of policy integration, (ii) Options and opportunities for the future EU SDS - key objectives and topics, and (iii) Options and opportunities for the future EU SDS - governance mechanisms & institutional structures. After the welcome addresses by the Czech Deputy Minister of the Environment and the Swedish State Secretary to the Minister of European Affairs, each session was introduced by keynote presentations and followed by panel discussions. In sessions 2 and 3, the conference participants discussed in-depth in parallel working groups. At the end of the conference, the ESDN co-chairs presented ESDN network issues and perspectives (including the link to the forthcoming FP7 project CORPUS).
- Conference AgendaDownload
Welcome addresses
Jan Dusík, Deputy Minister of the Environment of the Czech Republic & Maria Åsenius, State Secretary to the Swedish Minister of European Affairs
Coherence of major strategies in the EU: EU Sustainable Development Strategy & Lisbon Strategy
Michel Servoz, Secretariat-General of the European Commission, Head of Direction D ‘Better Regulation and Institutional Issues’
The challenges of policy integration and establishing governance mechanism for sustainable development
Bedrich Moldan, Professor of Environmental Sciences at Charles University Prague and Senator of the Parliament of the Czech Republic
Converging the Lisbon Agenda for a Sustainable New Europe
Jan De Smedt, European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils (EEAC)
“Global Green New Deal”: Objectives and linkages to sustainable development strategy processes
Christophe Bouvier, Director of Regional Office for Europe, UNEP
Economic stimulus packages in Europe: Overview of national measures and their linkages to the innovation dimension of the Lisbon agenda and sustainable development strategies
Integrating economic growth and sustainable development strategiesin an international company: Lessons learned
Thomas Bergmark, Social and Environmental Affairs Manager, IKEA Group
Results and lessons learned from the Spring Alliance process
John Hontelez, European Environmental Bureau (EEB)
Key objectives and topics – Results of the survey among SD coordinators from the EU Member States
Working group results and panel discussion
Governance mechanisms & institutional structures of the EU SDS –Taking stock, lessons to learn and future needs
Integrating sustainability assessment into sustainable development policy-making
Annika Lindblom, Finnish National Commission on Sustainable Development
Governance mechanisms & institutional structures - Results of thesurvey among SD coordinators fromthe EU Member States
Presentation of working group results
ESDN – Network Business & Perspectives
Elisabeth Freytag, ESDN Co-chair; André Martinuzzi, ESDN Office