“Transformative environmental and sustainability policy: new thematic issues, actor constellations and governance modes”

25 -26 June 2014, Berlin, Germany

The 11th ESDN Workshop, “Transformative environmental and sustainability policy: new thematic issues, actor constellations and governance modes”, took place in Berlin on 25-26 June 2014. In total, 60 participants from 12 European countries took part in the event. The workshop was organized by the ESDN in cooperation with the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, and the German Federal Environment Agency. The workshop was aimed at

  • Exploring concepts and ways for practical implementation of “Transformative environmental and sustainability policy”;
  • Reflecting on ideas and practical experiences on new drivers, new thematic issues, new actor constellations and new governance modes for sustainable development;
  • Providing an overview of experiences on the above issues in the context of national SD strategies in Belgium, Finland, France, and Germany; and
  • Discussing the potential to enhance the further advancement of sustainability strategies and policies on the EU and national level.


Keynote presentations
Session 1: Transformative environmental and sustainability policy

Needs and approaches for transformative environmental and sustainability policy in Europe

Derk Loorbach: Dutch Research Institute for Transitions – DRIFT

Martin Nesbit: Institute for European Environmental Policy – IEEP

Erik C. Schmieman: Council for the Environment and Infrastructure(Rli), Netherlands

Transformation and transformative environmental and sustainability policy and the Grand Design 2050 – Theories, concepts and action fields

Klaus Jacob: Environmental Policy Research Centre, Free University of Berlin, Germany

Session 2: Concepts, governance and action fields: parallel break-out sessions
Session 3: How to best approach environmental and sustainability policy in Europe?
Session 4: Strategic transformative processes for sustainable development in European countries

Overview on international and European transformative processes and their link to strategies for sustainable development

Gerald Berger & Umberto Pisano: ESDN Office Team at the Institute for Managing Sustainability, Austria

New developments in national sustainable development strategies: from a management to a visioning tool

Klaus Jacob: Environmental Policy Research Centre, Free University of Berlin, German

Practical experiences with transformative processes in the context of national SD strategies in Europe: Belgium, Finland and France


Cédric van de Walle: Federal Institute for Sustainable Development, Belgium


Sauli Rouhinen: Ministry of the Environment, Finland


Stéphane Bernaudon: Ministry for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, France

Session 5: How to design processes and projects that generate new ideas for sustainable development strategies?


A look at the history of the ESDN reveals that ESDN Workshops have played a prominent role in facilitating networking between European SD practitioners and policy advisors. This section of the website provides a one-stop-shop documentation of all ESDN Workshops so far. Please click on one of the Workshops for more details:

ESDN Workshop Photo Albums