"Achieving the SDGs through a Sustainable and Just Transition: Challenges and responses to COVID-19"

24 June 2020, Virtually

The 18th ESDN Workshop took place virtually on 24 June 2020. The topic of this year’s Workshop was “Achieving the SDGs through a Sustainable and Just Transition: Challenges and responses to Covid-19”. The objectives of the Workshop were to provide insights beyond the current ramifications of the Covid-19 crisis and focused on the impacts that Covid-19 will have on sustainable development and the European Green Deal and how European policymakers can strengthen sustainable development policy-making and prevent sustainable development from becoming marginalized. Another aspect of the Workshop was focused on the how the Covid-19 recovery will affect the European countries at the national level in the implementation of the SDGs. The Workshop was organized by the ESDN in cooperation with Romanian Government – Department of Sustainable Development.

Watch the 18th ESDN Workshop
Keynote Presentations
Session 1: COVID-19’s Foreseen Impact on Sustainable Development and the European Green Deal

Contribution of Sustainable Finance and the Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy to the EU’s green, equitable and resilient economic recovery following the COVID-19 outbreak

Emmanuel Buttin: Expert on Sustainable Finance at the European Commission (DG FISMA)

Building a Coherent Response for a Sustainable Post-COVID-19 Recovery: Evidence from a recent OECD survey

Tatyana Teplova: OECD: Head of Division for Policy Coherence for SDGs

COVID-19 and the European Green Deal

Adina Vălean: European Commission - Commissioner for Transport, Belgium

COVID-19’s Effect on SDG Implementation

Olga Algayerova: UNECE Executive Secretary and Under-Secretary-General

Session 2: COVID-19 recovery and its effects on national implementation of the SDGs


Luminița Bălălău: Prime Minister’s Office – Department of Sustainable Development


Marie-Louise von Münchhausen: Federal Chancellery


Stéphane Bernaudon: Ministry for Ecological Transition


Erika Bernhard: Federal Ministry ofEuropean and International Affairs


A look at the history of the ESDN reveals that ESDN Workshops have played a prominent role in facilitating networking between European SD practitioners and policy advisors. This section of the website provides a one-stop-shop documentation of all ESDN Workshops so far. Please click on one of the Workshops for more details:

ESDN Workshop Photo Albums