Joint OECD/EEAC Webinar: Making better policies for food systems

This webinar presents the OECD’s research on food systems, to support policy makers around the world develop better policies for food systems.


The webinar will take place on April 13 2021, 10am -12 pm CET. After a presentation of the report, you will be invited to join the open dialogue. It will cover some of the following topics: A) What has been the actual performance of the global food system, and what has been the role of policies? B) How should policy makers design policies that are coherent across different dimensions such as food security and nutrition, livelihoods, and environmental sustainability? C) What are common factors complicating the task of achieving better policies – and  how can they be addressed? D) What are the key priorities for food system policy approaches and the likely implications?

You can sign up to the webinar here