Invitation to an online workshop on 10 November 2021
At COP26 in Glasgow, abstract plans are being made, but at the local level we really need to put sustainability into practice. Sustainable Development Goal #17 underlines the crucial necessity for global partnerships in delivering on the European Green Deal for a green transition. On the 10th of November from 14.00-15.30 CET four networks representing over 200 European regions - the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR), Assembly of European Regions (AER), Vanguard Initiative (VI) and Environmental Conference of the Regions of Europe (ENCORE) - join forces to examine the role of various actors within European regional networks in promoting and delivering on the Green Deal across Europe.
The workshop will examine the importance of political and citizen engagement in regional networks and how active participation of both can strengthen Green Deal policy objectives. It will also explore how research organisations and the business community are building relationships through EU networks to further explore and meet the EU’s Green Deal objectives.
Collaboration between networks, governments, businesses, citizens and research institutes is necessary to come up with solutions for the grand societal challenges of our time. The four networks involved have never collaborated on this scale. We will cultivate a cooperative network of networks and strengthen the ecosystem for interregional collaboration, which contributes to SDG 17 (partnerships for the goals). This event will provide the opportunity for stakeholders across all networks to build alliance and partnerships.
Register to the online workshop via this link.
Moderator: Louis Meuleman
14.00-14.10 I Setting the scene: multi-stakeholder governance for a sustainable and green recovery I Introduction of the relation between Goal #17 and delivering on the EU Green Deal from a global perspective
Louis Meuleman, visiting professor public governance KU Leuven, expert on (sustainability) governance and metagovernance, public administration reform and sustainability transitions. Vice-chair of the UN Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA).
14.10-14.40 I Citizen engagement in a sustainable and green recovery I Pitches & discussion round 1
Magnus Berntsson, Regional Minister of Environment at Region Västra Götaland. President of the Assembly of European Regions (AER) since May 2017.
Cllr Pádraig McEvoy, Kildare County Councillor, member of Eastern and Midland Regional Assembly, Alternate Member of the Irish Delegation to Committee of the Regions (CoR). Political representative in ENCORE
Sophie Jäger, English and German Interpretation & Translation graduate, pecialising in Natural Sciences. YouthCORE 2021 representative
14.40-15.10 I Engagement of business and cross-border organizations in a sustainable and green recovery I Pitches & discussion round 2
Ellen Mulder, Director International Affairs and Lobby at Provincie Gelderland, Vanguard Initiative (VI) representative
Martin Guillermo, Secretary General of the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) & Mrs. Ann-Sofie Backgren, President of the Executive Committee of the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR)
15.10-15.30 I Wrap-up and conclusions
The importance of European regional networks delivering on the Green Deal from a European perspective, EC representative (TBC)
Take-aways, Louis Meuleman