Last year, more than 5,000 events reached more than 10 million people all over Europe. With your help, this year it can be even bigger!
The ESDW 2022 will take place from 18 September – 08 October.
Be a part of the ESDW 2022 by:
• Registering your event here
• Initiating actions and events in your country or community
• Telling other event organisers about this opportunity
What sort of events can take part in the ESDW?
Events can be big or small, in-person (in-line with local guidelines) or digital; they can be hosted by an official institution or organized by you and your friends. You can show the public around your sustainable factory, plan a lecture or presentation on a topic that you are passionate about or organize a park or river clean-up. While big events attract many people and raise a lot of awareness for important issues, small events demonstrate that every little action counts and that everyone can make a difference.
The ESDW is a European-wide initiative to stimulate and highlight activities, projects and events that promote sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals.
To register your event and for more information visit the ESDW website.
If you have any questions contact office[at]