The 17 youth representatives met virtually in October and November to develop a manifesto addressed to the ESDN and policymakers in general. The workshop was sponsored by the German Ministry for the Environment.
In three working groups, they discussed their demands, supported by mentors from the ESDN. Their ideas for a better consumption and production system include a better rail network and eco-labelling, but also more general demands for a change in the economic system.
To achieve climate justice, it is important for youth representatives to highlight the responsibility of rich countries in causing the climate crisis. For this reason, they are asking for support of the World Youth for Climate Justice Campaign, which is seeking an Advisory Opinion on Climate Justice from the International Court of Justice.
An overarching theme of the manifesto is that of better youth involvement in policymaking. Youth do not only want to be heard, but they also want their voices to be considered and their demands to be implemented. This is only possible with more concrete structures for permanent involvement.
You can read the entire manifesto here.
ESDN Youth Manifesto – Read the demands from the ESDN Youth Workshop