Tuesday, 30 January 2024
For the preparation of the 1999 National Plan on SD, the sub-national level was only marginally involved as one stakeholder group in the general consultation process.
For the development of the National Plan, the sub-national level is not directly involved but indirectly through two bodies and a series of round table discussions. According the law on sustainable development (loi du 25 juin 2004 relative à la coordination de la politique nationale de développement durable ) the draft National Plan is discussed during the consultation phase in the Parliament and the High Council for SD. In the Parliament, several mayors of municipalities are MPs. Moreover, three round tables with several stakeholder groups are organised, including representatives of the Association of Municipalities.
In terms of implementation, two issues are important in the coordination between the national and sub-nation level: on the one hand, cooperation in sectoral policies is an ongoing process as the municipalities have certain responsibilities in several sectors (e.g. water, nature protection).
A frame of reference has been developed for the municipalities to set up an inventory and an evaluation of implementation of the sustainable development goals and the targets on sub-national level. This instrument will help municipalities to measure and monitor sustainability policies and projects in the framework of the Agenda 2030.
Furthermore the Climate Pact with municipalities will be further developed on the basis of the SDGs.