Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Several initiatives aim to raise awareness and citizen participation for the SDGs at local level. For example, a weekly radio programme on the municipal radio station of Athens, organized in cooperation with the UN, was dedicated entirely to the SDGs (in 2018-2019), presenting and analyzing each one of the SDGs to the general public, each week. Another example is the promotion of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) in large Greek cities. The participation of municipalities implementing sustainable urban mobility interventions in the European Mobility Week, in terms of awareness raising, has increased remarkably over the past years, growing from 8 municipalities in 2013 to 86 in 2019, with many of them also ranking in the list of the 10 finalist European cities to receive a Sustainable Urban Mobility Award. In this context, the Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy introduced in 2015 the “Greek Award for the European Mobility Week”, under the auspices of the President of the Hellenic Republic. The award is given to the 10 best Greek municipalities participating in the European Mobility Week campaign, based on their achievements and commitment to the campaign goals.