Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Slovakia has adopted a biannual monitoring and evaluation framework of the progress made in the implementation of the national priorities of the 2030 Agenda, with the first national M&E Report to be submitted to the government by 30 June 2020. In the absence of the approved national SD strategy, the report will be based on the progress made in 6 national priorities defined in 2018. The 2030 Agenda Coordination Departement contracted a group of independent experts, who in 2018 participated in definition of the national priorities, to analyse progress made in each of the national 2030 Agenda priorities in the timeframe from July 2018 to April 2020. Analytical units of the line ministries have been involved in this process, providing inputs from their area of expertise.
The First National Monitoring Report on the progress achieved in the national priorities of the 2030 Agenda implementation was approved by the Slovak Government in September 2020.
In 2018, Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic issued its report on Performance Audit of Preparedness for Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals.
Audit report and key messages available in English.
Key recommendations:
- To develop the communication strategy tailored for each specific group: government officials, representatives of self-government bodies, academic and non-government organizations and private sector, and to focus the communication on Agenda 2030 also on individual citizens
- To coordinate its activities to involve Parliament and President of the Slovak Republic into the implementation of the Agenda 2030.
- To initiate closer communication with the Ministry of Finance of the SR and identify national sources of financial allocation for national targets of Agenda 2030.
- To initiate closer internal communication with the Central Coordination Body (respective department at the Deputy Prime Minister's Office) to specify allocations of EU funds for the programming period 2021 - 2027 and get these allocations into compliance with the national targets of Agenda 2030.
- To initiate closer communication with the Ministry of Finance of the SR to assure national financing connected to the national overall coordination after 2020 when the financing from EU funds will expire.
- Cooperate closely while elaborating the document Vision and Strategy Development of Slovakia by 2030. The cooperation should aim to identify relevant national targets and related measurable national indicators.
- To assure sustainability of the Agenda 2030 monitoring to envisage a possible need to increase the budget for the Statistical Office to comply with eventual increase of tasks related to data processing and necessary human resources increase.
Slovakia is preparing the second report on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. The second report will focus on the current status of the 17 SDGs.