Last updated on:
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
In the preparation of the renewed NSDS many research institute and university department submitted opinions.
- NGOs are primarily engaged in SD policy through NFTT, which has been a highly active player for a decade.
- Coalition of Humanitarian and Environmental NGOs published 'Agenda 2030: Proposals for Successful Implementation in Hungary' in 09/2015. This report recommends the government to:
- Ensure strategic coordination at governmental level, including for more efficient cooperation with social partners
- Assess to what extent National Framework Strategy for SD already encompasses SDGs;
- Government must emphasise policy coherence for development
- Appropriate indicators and methodologies must be adopted
- Further awareness raising is required to engage stakeholders, especially in the fields of SD and development cooperation
- Civil Roundtable for Sustainable Development Goals
- HAND Association of NGOs for Development and Humanitarian Aid.
- Participation to project: Coherent Europe for Sustainable Development: Action for Policies that Will Make a Difference
- National Society of Conservationists – Friends of the Earth Hungary.
V4SDG is a youth-led non-profit initiative aiming to promote action on the UN SDGs and consists of four states: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. V4SDG organized its first conference in Budapest on 23-24 May 2018.
Opinions were submitted via the homepage of the National Council for Sustainable Development or by e-mail.