Tuesday, 18 August 2020
With responsibility for collating UK data for the indicators, the UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) is committed to sourcing data that gives the clearest picture of the UK’s contribution to the Goals and checking the validity of the data using the UK Code of Practice for Statistics. As of April 2019, the ONS reports UK data on 188 (77%) indicators of the total 244.
Of the 188 indicators for which UK data is being reported, over 70% are disaggregated by at least one variable. The UK is committed to filling disaggregation gaps and plans to disaggregate data for the Goals by: age, sex, disability status, ethnicity, income, geography and migratory status, wherever possible. This commitment is outlined in the Inclusive Data Action Plan (2018). This action plan was developed by the ONS in collaboration with the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data (GPSDD) Leave No One Behind Data Collaborative.