Basic Information
Year of approval of the SD strategy and updates

The previous Danish Government published the latest NSDS in March 2017 with the title “Handlingsplan for FN’s 17 verdensmål” (in Danish only).

Type of SD strategy

The previous NSDS covered all three dimensions of SD plus global/international issues.

Lead ministry/institution in the SD strategy process
Link to the SD strategy document

During 2020 the current government will publish a new NSDS.

Further information about the SD strategy process

No information available. 

Agenda 2030 Implementation

The new government is in the process of establishing priorities for the implementation of the SDGs. The government is committed to implement the SDGs in Denmark and abroad.

Leading Ministry and respective unit

The Ministry of Finance is responsible for coordinating the national implementation of the SDGs. Line ministries are responsible for the follow up and implementation of the SDGs.

Other ministries involved

The Ministry of Finance coordinates with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and line ministries when relevant.

Main contact point for the implementation process

Liv Kristine Ravn

Links to main websites/documents on national implementation of the 2030 Agenda and SDGs

No information available. 

Voluntary National Reviews

Denmark submitted a VNR in 2017. 

Denmark submitted its second VNR in 2021.

Vertical Integration

The municipalities have their own SD strategies, which are required by the Planning Act. These ‘Agenda 21 strategies’ must be renewed every four years. There is no direct link between these strategies and the NSDS. However, an indirect link exists, as the strategies have to be submitted to the Ministry of Environment.

Furthermore, there are several partnerships between the national and sub-national levels, e.g. a Green Public Procurement Partnership. These partnerships are related to the objectives formulated in the NSDS.

In relation to the SDGs, KL (Association of Danish Municipalities) and Danish Regions (associations of the five regions in Denmark) are, as representative organisations for local and regional governments, key stakeholders in terms ofto linking national and local/regional level initiatives, supporting municipalities and regions with resources and knowledge sharing, and influencing legislative and financial frameworks to facilitate decentralised authorities in delivering on the world goals. The associations of Danish Regions and Local Government Denmark are cooperating with the government to fulfil achieve the SDG’s. Their vision is to keep Denmark as a free, prosperous and safe society by continuously incorporating the SDGs into political initiatives. As public authorities, the three parties agree on the need to establish partnerships across society to achieve the SDGs.

Horizontal Integration

The Ministry of Finance is responsible for the coordination of the NSDS process. Efforts are mainly coordinated through the inter-ministerial SDG work group and bilaterally between the Ministry of Finance and the line ministries.

The previous government decided that an experimental scheme should be established, in order to make impact assessments of new legislative proposals in relation to the SDG’s i.e. whether it has positive or negative consequences for the sub-targets.

The impact assessment of new legislative proposals is continuing.


In June 2007, the Danish Government published a discussion paper prior to the revision of the former NSDS. The discussion paper was part of a broad public debate, which was taken into account in the revision of NSDS (published in 2009). Denmark has taken part in the 2017 Voluntary National Review at the Highlevel Political Forum of the United Nations. Denmark will participate again in 2021.


There will be published a set of indicators along with the forthcoming NSDS.

Statistics Denmark carries out statistical reporting and monitoring of the SDG’s.


In order to ensure the Government’s coming NSDS becomes an inclusive strategy, the Ministry of Finance encourages NGOs, CSOs, the industry etc. to participate. 

Subnational Activities

No information available.