Last updated on:
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Year of approval of the SD strategy and updates

The project of developing the National Sustainable Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia was initiated by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and UNDP Country Office in Belgrade. Coordination of the project and the National Sustainable Development Strategy drafting process was entrusted to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister by the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Serbia in December of 2005.

The National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS) of the Republic of Serbia was adopted in the session of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, on May 9th, 2008.

The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and the Project Staff are currently working on developing the Action Plan for the implementation of the NSDS of the Republic of Serbia and the Action Plan is to be adopted in a session of the Government of the Republic of Serbia in mid-November 2008.

Type of SD strategy

NSDS of the Republic of Serbia is based on three sustainable development pillars:

  1. Knowledge-based economy
  2. Economic and social issues
  3. Environment protection
Lead ministry/institution in the SD strategy process

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration

Link to the SD strategy document

No information available. 

Further information about the SD strategy process

Report on the public discussion on the National Sustainable Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia held in December of 2007.

Review Report: Development of the Sustainable Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia – January 2008.