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Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Year of approval of the SD strategy and updates

The Government of Montenegro adopted the first National Strategy for Sustainable Development (NSSD) in April 2007, together with a corresponding Action Plan (AP) for the period of 2007-2012.

Since then, the Government adopted five annual reports on the NSSD implementation:

  • First Annual Report in October 2008
  • Second Annual Report in December 2009
  • Third Annual Report in October 2011,
  • Forth Annual Report in Jun 2012,
  • Fifth Annual Report in July 2013.

All the reports have been prepared by the Direction for Mediterranean Affairs in the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism (formerly the Office for Sustainable Development - OSD).

The new National Strategy on Sustainable Development until 2030 has been adopted by the Government of Montenegro in July 2016.

Type of SD strategy

The National Strategy for Sustainable Development of Montenegro by 2030 (NSSD) is umbrella, horizontal and long-term development strategy of Montenegro that relates not only to environment and economics, but also to human resources and social capital that should ensure prosperous development. Positioned in such a way, this strategy gives answers to: identified unsustainable development trends; incompatible sectoral policies both between themselves and with the NSSD, and also with environmental protection policy; institutional framework that is not compatible with necessities to implement sustainable development policies and with requirements of good governance; incompatibility of the system of public finance with the need for horizontal and vertical positioning of sustainable development priorities within national strategy policies, plans and programs, respectively incompatibility of actual actions with expressed political support and official decisions regarding sustainable development of Montenegro.

With the new NSSD the policy of sustainable development of Montenegro is being improved by establishing a comprehensive framework for national response to challenges that are being met on the way toward sustainable development of Montenegrin society until 2030, whilst taking into consideration implementation results of previous NSSD and requirements in the process of accession of Montenegro to the European Union. In this context, the new NSSD is at the same time setting the platform for transferring global goals and tasks defined by the UN Agenda 2030 into national frameworks. NSSD represents national answer to all 17 SDGs and 169 targets.

The drafting process of the NSSD by 2030 uses positive experiences from global and European processes as well as those from the Mediterranean region, and it is also based on the principles and recommendations of the Rio Declaration and Agenda 21, as well as of Declaration and implementation plan from Johannesburg. The NSSD also relies on the United Nations Millennium Declaration and on results of implementation of MDGs. Thereby it remains consistent with widely adopted definition of sustainable development from the Brundtland report, where the meaning of sustainable development is defined as “development which meets the needs of current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.

Lead ministry/institution in the SD strategy process

The Direction for Mediterranean Affairs in the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism (formerly the Office for Sustainable Development) oversees the process of monitoring the implementation of the NSSD.

The National Council for Sustainable Development, Climate Changes and Integrated Coastal Zone Management (NCSDCCICZM) of Montenegro deliberates the reports on the NSSD implementation and gives final recommendations before the reports are sent to the Government for adoption.

Further information about the SD strategy process

No information available.