Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Drafting of the new long-term strategy began during the summer of 2016. The Slovenian Development Strategy 2030 (SDS 2030) was adopted by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia in December 2017. Its primary objective is titled “Slovenia, a country with a high quality of life for all.”. With five strategic orientations and twelve interconnected development goals, it sets a new foundation for the future development of Slovenia. By including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by the United Nations, Slovenia is recognizing the importance of a sustainable, inclusive and more conscious future where society as a whole can flourish.
The primary objective of the Slovenian Development Strategy 2030 is to provide a high quality of life for all. This can be achieved through balanced economic, social and environmental development which takes account of the planet’s limitations and creates conditions and opportunities for present and future generations. At the level of the individual, a high quality of life is manifested in good opportunities for employment, education and creativity, in a dignified, safe and active life, a healthy and clean environment and inclusion in democratic decision-making and participation in social management.
The state’s strategic orientations for achieving a high quality of life are:
− an inclusive, healthy, safe and responsible society,
− learning for and through life,
− a highly productive economy that creates added value for all,
− well-preserved natural environment,
− high level of cooperation, competence and governance efficiency.
The five strategic orientations for the attainment of the strategy's primary objective will be implemented by operating on different mutually connected and interdependent (policy) areas that are covered in Strategy's twelve development goals. Each goal contains rationale of the goal's relevance, key guidelines that require further activities in order to attain the high quality of life for all, two to three core outcome indicators that represent desired outcomes in the area of each development goal, and link to the Sustainable Development Goals.
Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy and Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development
In the area of development, the Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy:
- drafts the proposal for Slovenian Development Strategy in cooperation with the Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development;
- coordinates development planning as well as the development documents of the Republic of Slovenia and monitors the implementation of development policies and its programmes;
- is responsible for the coordination of documents pertaining to development planning and compliance of national development planning programmes and the European Union and other international organisations’ development documents.
The Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development of the Republic of Slovenia (IMAD) is an independent government office. IMAD monitors the realisation of SDS 2030 in its publication Development Report.
The Development Report is a document monitoring the implementation of the Slovenian Development Strategy. The 2018 Development Report presents the baselines for monitoring the realisation of the Slovenian Development Strategy 2030, adopted by the government of the Republic of Slovenia in December 2017. The Report is published in Slovenian and English.
The series of Development Reports is accessible here