Welcome addresses
Jan Dusík, Deputy Minister of the Environment of the Czech Republic & Maria Åsenius, State Secretary to the Swedish Minister of European Affairs
Coherence of major strategi
UEFA EURO 2008TM Sustainability Strategy
Wolfram Tertschnig & Daniel Wachter (ESDN Steering Group)
The SCP/SIP Action Plan and the EU SDS
Timo Makela (DG Environment)
SCP policies in Eu
Snapshot European Sustainability
Astrid Klug, Parliamentary Secretary of State, German Environment Ministry
Dinner Speech
Björn Stigson, President of the WBCSD
Brundtland Report: A 20 years
Renewing the EU Strategy on Sustainable Development
Elisabeth Freytag, Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management
From ESDN Practice to Network Theory
Workshop Theme 1: Improving Delivery of National SD Strategies
Workshop Theme 2: Engagement and Evaluation
Workshop theme 3: Renewing the EU sustainable development strategy
"Sustainable Develop
Elisabeth Freytag: Austrian Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management
Robin Miege: European Commission (DG Environment)
R. Andreas Kraemer: Ecologic
Jürg Min
EU Resilience and Recovery / Building Forward Better Mechanisms for Sustainable Development - keynote address
Magdalena Morgese Borys, Head of Unit in SG.RECOVER.A1, European Commission, Bel
Video Message - DG Environment’s Management Plan 2020 – 2024: Is Europe Living well within the Planet's Ecological Limits?
Virginijus Sinkevičius, Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fish
Louis Meuleman, DG Environment, “Sustainability Governance in Europe: Governance Principles and Democratic Achievements: a practitioner's view”
Cristina Helberg, Correctiv, “Fake News as challen