Günther Bachmann, “Stakeholder-Policy Cooperation in the Age of the SDGs: Experiences, Practical Examples, and Impulses for Future Success”
Monika Linn, “Stakeholder-Policy Cooperation for SD:
Panel Discussion
Daniela Jacob: Co-Chair of the Science Platform Sustainability 2030, Germany
Jock Martin: Head of Integrated Assessments for Sustainability (IAS), European Environmental Agency
Better Policies for Sustainable Development: OECD’s New Framework for Policy Coherence
Ebba Dohlman: Senior Advisor, Policy Coherence for Development, OECD
Introduction: The Reality of Policy Co
Practical examples of vertical integration, cooperation and interaction between political levels in selected SD policy sectors
Austria: Sustainable Event Management
Wolfram Tertschnig: ESDN
‘Transforming our World’–The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Approach for a new universal and transformative agenda for sustainable development
David Donoghue: Co-chair of the Post-2015 D
National SD strategy process in Southern and Eastern Europe in the context of current socio-economic and environmental challenges
Umberto Pisano & Katrin Lepuschitz: ESDN Office at the Instit
Experiences with National Sustainable Development Strategies (NSDSs) in Europe –the last 10 yearsand taking stock of the current situation
André Martinuzzi & Gerald Berger: ESDN Office, Resear
From Rio to Rio+20 –The ongoing challenge of integrating the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development in Europe
William M. Lafferty: ProSus Perspectives, Norway
Resources as subject of economic, social and ecological systems – challenges for an integrated resource approach in Europe
Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker: Co-Chair, International Resource Panel, UNE
Switching to a sustainable society and economy on the wake of the financial turbulence – governance perspectives
Tim O’Riordan: University of East Anglia, co-chair of the EEAC Sustainable Developm