Table 1: Belgium – Just Transition Process
Martine Vandervennet, Federal Institute for Sustainable Development, Belgium
Table 2: Germany – Addressing Transformation in the National Sustainable Development Strategy
Christina Fischer, ESDN Advisory Board Member, Federal Chancellery, Germany
Table 3: Italy – Localizing the SDGs through policy coherence for sustainable development
Andrea Innamorati, Senior Policy Advisor, Ministry for the Environment and Energy Security, Italy
Table 4: Latvia – Transformative Power of Culture in Sustainable Development
Baiba Murniece, Deputy Head of the Department of Culture Policy, Ministry of Culture, Latvia
Māra Sīmane, State Chancellery - Cross Sectoral Coordination Department, Latvia
Table 5: Malta – Process of SDG budget alignment
Francine Pace Caruana, Director of Sustainable Development, Ministry for the Environment, Energy & Regeneration of the Grand Harbour, Malta
Table 6: Netherlands – National Sustainable Development Report – Linking the SDGs to 6 Major Transitions
Sandra Pellegrom, ESDN Advisory Board Member and National SDG Coordinator, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands
Table 7: Romania – Upskilling public sector staff as sustainable development experts towards more transformative policies
Iris Constantin, Counsellor, Prime Minister’s Office – Department of Sustainable Development, Romania
Table 8: Slovakia – Steering transformative policies for sustainable development from the center of government
Valéria Bankóová, Chief of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Section, Office of the Government, Slovakia
Table 9: Flanders - Local policy planning aligned with the SDGs: the momentum of local elections in Flanders
Heleen Voeten, Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities, VVSG, Belgium
Table 10: The Finnish view on Nordic VSR and the Nordic Toolbox - Localisation and transformative policies, case: the City of Turku
Eveliina Kiema-Majanen, Senior Advisor, Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities, Finland
Noora Orvasto, Senior Advisor, Turku City Government, Finland
Table 11: Circular Economy
Cillian Lohan, Vice-president NAT Section, European Economic and Social Committee, Ireland