United Kingdom

Explore the activities, events and projects that are registered to take place in United Kingdom. Click on the pins in the interactive map, or select a project form the list to see more details.

Register your idea to add to the list. This will be reviewed by the national focal point listed below before it is published on the website. In case you have questions concerning the organisation of activities, projects and events in your country please contact your national focal point.


2 Initiatives

National Focal Point

ESDW Office


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25 September 24 AT 9:00 am https://app.livestorm.co/gunnebo-entrance-control-ltd/sdg-masterclass-by-gunnebo-entrance-control/live?s=9247eb30-1b2d-44c8-8a14-500b3f275a5c#/

Sustainable Development Goals Masterclass: insights from a security industry perspective

Sustainable Development Goals Virtual Masterclass hosted by Gunnebo Entrance Control in conjunction with AlterContacts, looks at the goals from a wider global and security industry perspective.
02 October 24 AT 8:45 am London

Navigating Climate and Sustainable Development Goals Action

Enabling Climate and Sustainable Development Goals Action