Explore the activities, events and projects that are registered to take place in Romania. Click on the pins in the interactive map, or select a project form the list to see more details.
Register your idea to add to the list. This will be reviewed by the national focal point listed below before it is published on the website. In case you have questions concerning the organisation of activities, projects and events in your country please contact your national focal point.
13 Initiatives
National Focal Point
Prime Minister's Office - Department of Sustainable Development
Cristian Iordachecristian.iordache@gov.roSearch

08 October 24 AT 9:30 am Bucharest
"Healthy Lifestyle - Education for a diversified diet and an eco-responsible attitude!"
Un proiect de educație alimentară incluzivă util și esențial pentru agricultură și bunăstarea cetățenilor și a mediului. Proiect național de înființare a unei educații incluzive.

04 October 24 AT 4:00 pm Casa Tineretului, Timișoara
LA PAS Festival/ Slowing Down

17 September 24 AT 9:00 am Bucharest, Romania
Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems Nexus for Sustainable Development
International workshop promoting Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem nexus thinking and action for sustainable resource use.

05 October 24 AT 9:00 am
Harvest Day at the bio&co farm
The bio&co farm, located in the village of Ciocănari, offers jobs to adults from disadvantaged backgrounds and grows organically certified vegetables, using from farm to fork principles.

02 October 24 AT 10:00 am Ateliere Fără Frontiere office
Inclusive Future. Job fair for people coming from disadvantaged backgrounds
Ateliere Fără Frontiere is an association with economic activity, established in 2008, recognised as a public utility organization, for the social and professional integration of disadvantaged people.

03 October 24 AT 5:00 pm Bucharest, Online
Education - A Part of Long-Term Sustainable Development
Building on the film "What Did You Do at School?" produced by the GO-AHEAD Association, this discussion will explore the opportunities offered by Romania’s vocational high schools for their graduates.
17 September 24 AT 12:00 pm Bucharest
Considerations and forecasts regarding the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals SDG 2 - Zero hunger from the perspective of agricultural sustainability through the lens of the Impact of ag

21 September 24 AT 10:00 am Nod Makerspace - Splaiul Unirii between Timpuri Noi and Mihai Bravu
Dâmbovița Delivery 2024: Săptămâna Europeană a Dezvoltării Durabile
Dâmbovița Delivery returns this year for its 5th edition, offering a weekend dedicated to transforming the banks of the Dâmbovița River into a vibrant space for recreation, art, and sustainability.

26 September 24 AT 1:00 pm Educational Center DAs Simeria
Community Launch - Pranz Comunitar Simeria -

24 September 24 AT 11:00 am Government of Romania
BUILDING OUR SUSTAINABLE FUTURE - soluții sustenabile pentru mediul construit
BUILDING OUR SUSTAINABLE FUTURE - Sustainable Solutions for the Built Environment project is an initiative started by ARDLD in 2022. This year it is made in partnership with the Government of Romania

04 October 24 AT 4:30 am Liceul Tehnologic Toma Socolescu
Peace for everyone
Peace for everybody

01 October 24 AT 9:00 am Palatul Victoria
The Circular Economy - challenges and solutions
The main objective of the workshop was to increase the capacity of the public sector to implement the Action Plan for promoting the Circular Economy (PAEC)

01 October 24 AT 12:00 pm Bulevardul Lacul Tei, Nr. 1-3, Bucuresti, etaj 5, Sediul ILD, Sector 2
COP 29 - Green Romania