Tuesday, 18 August 2020
In the preparation of the NSDS, the municipalities (the only sub-national level in Cyprus) were involved in the general consultation process that also included several other stakeholder groups (i.e. organised societal bodies). On the one hand, public inquiry meetings were organised in which the municipalities participated. On the other hand, stakeholders could submit written comments to the draft strategy which, were, when possible, incorporated in the final NSDS.
The only coordination between the national and sub-national level is undertaken for the National Action Plan on Green Public Procurement: Based on the national plan, the municipalities have to develop their own local action plans.
LA 21 initiatives exist on the municipal level. However, there is no link to the NSDS.
EU linkages
The renewed EU Strategy for Sustainable Development (EU SDS) that was adopted in June 2006 foresees that Member States bi-annually report about how they address the priorities of the EU SDS. Cyprus has published its first national report on implementing the EU SDS in Summer 2007.