Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Vertical integration notably relies on the development of various partnerships for the local appropriation of the SDG’s.
- The SDG’s toolbox (in French)
The Ministry of Ecological and Inclusive Transition has created a « toolbox » addressed to all structures and individuals aiming to sensitize to the 2030 Agenda and integrate the SDG’s in a project or action.
- "For the appropriation of the 2030 Agenda by local government institutions”: a practical guide for the SDG’s implementation!” (in French)
This guide, elaborated with 14 partners (including local authorities’ representatives) and published by the Comité 21, one of the main French sustainable development network, gives an insight into several pathways for the local implementation of the 17 SDG’s.and promotes the 2030 Agenda as a structuring framework, that the local governments can use to re-consider their sustainable development strategies.
EU linkages
France, together with a majority of member states within the Council of the European Union, has been advocating for the Commission to develop a comprehensive SDGs strategy.