Tuesday, 18 August 2020
1. Local tools
- “Portraits of Territories” through SDG’s lenses.
The state’s local services (DREAL) in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region have developed a local declination of SDG’s indicators. From this range of indicators, the objectives are to create dynamic maps of a specific territory and to give an overview of this territory through SDG’s lenses. The aim here is to encourage the development of territorial projects integrating SDG’s.
A similar project has been developed in the Region of Occitanie by the local services of the State and various partners including local authorities.
The local services of the State (DREAL) / in the Region of Bretagne have developed a methodological framework to understand and implement locally the 17 SDG’s. It gives a “step-by-step” methodology, illustrated with a range of inspiring experiences of local appropriation of SDG’s by a various range of regional stakeholders.
2. Local partnerships to gather initiatives working towards SDG’s implementations
Launched in January 2020, the Communauté Normande des Objectifs de Développement Durable(Normandy SDGs communauty) is a platform developed by the DREAL Normandy in partnerships with local authorities. It aims at identifying and highlighting regional initiatives through a collaborative and interactive online map.
3. Examples of pioneer/leading territories in the local implementation of the 17 SDG’s
The City of Niort started its global approach “NIORT DURABLE 2030”, which implements locally the 2030 Agenda. As part of this global approach, it adopted in September 2019 its roadmap elaborated through a strong participative process with local stakeholders,. It is structured around 8 main challenges, all composed of several strategic objectives illustrated with quantified targets.
- Similarly, the City of Longvic has adopted its local 2030 Agenda in october 2018.
- The City and Eurometropolis of Strasbourg
The Eurometropolis of Strasbourg is involved in the localization of the SDG’s. It has notably used the reference framework for sustainable development (RFSC) to structure and report its actions such as the project “Ecoquartier Danube”. The City and the Eurometropolis are currently working on a SDG’s approach for their budget with the global objective of linking each capital expenditure to one or several SDG’s targets.
- The City of Besançon
In 2018, Besançon participated in an experimental and learning approach to the localization of indicators, supported by the deconcentrated services of the State in the Region of Bourgogne Franche-Comté. The main goal of this approach is to measure the degree of contribution of a city to the SDG’s.
The Département of the Gironde has steered its public policies through the SDG’s but also through a process of Social Responsability of its organization. The Gironde has also been involved in a strong accountability process, notably by using mandatory annual sustainable development report as an accountability report for the implementation of the SDG’s. These reports are elaborated through an interactive process, by inviting the elected vice-presidencies to explain how their political priorities and their corresponding policies contribute to the SDG’s.