Tuesday, 18 August 2020
From the outset, Statistics Iceland has had a representative in the SDG working group to provide advice and support, not least in the basic work required to lay the cornerstone for the SDG statistics. Statistics Iceland now manages the structure of the SDG statistics in Iceland.
The working group initially turned to various institutions to find reliable data sources and examine where data might be lacking. The working group concluded an agreement with ISS of the University of Iceland on quality evaluation of the data available, to ensure that the data is internationally comparable and that that all indicators are clearly defined. The analysis was carried out by a broad network of Icelandic scholars, based on the work of the leading experts in each subject area. The outcome of this work was a detailed report on evaluation of the data and databases related to the SDGs, which proved to be a solid basis for further statistical work.
The working group’s national status report was published in June 2018 and provides insight into Iceland’s position vis-à-vis the targets in both the domestic and international arena. The first Voluntary National Review (VNR) report on Iceland was based to a considerable extent on that work. In preparation for the VNR, the government’s SDG working group cooperated and consulted with various parties on the analysis, implementation and presentation of Iceland’s position relative to the goals. In addition to the afore-mentioned consultation with the University of Iceland, both bilateral and open meetings were organised, as well as conferences on the SDGs with participation from the private sector and civil society. This VNR report was also made available in the government’s electronic consultation portal ( to encourage public debate and invite the opinions of various parties. These opinions were taken into account in writing the final report.