Tuesday, 18 August 2020
National level:
In 2019, Switzerland commissioned an external evaluation of its SD strategy. The results of the evaluation were published in 2019 (in German with summaries in English, French and Italian).
Switzerland developed a method to assess political projects from a sustainable development perspective: Sustainability Assessment: Conceptual framework. In the course of this framework, sustainability assessment guidelines for federal agencies and other interested parties have been developed. These guidelines have been drawn up to help sustainability assessments to be carried out as efficiently as possible and in accordance with standard principles. They set out a procedure in nine steps and provide additional support in the form of a Sustainability Assessment Excel Tool that enables the relevance of an initiative to be reviewed from the sustainable development perspective and allows its impacts to be recorded in outline terms. The guidelines are available for download in English | German | French | Italian.
In addition to their coordinating activities and representative role, the Delegates submit an annual report to the Federal Council on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.