Wednesday, 15 July 2020
- The Federal Chancellery commissioned a National Indicators Report that was published by Statistik Austria in May 2020. The results of this special report are also taken into account in Austria's first VNR and are published there yet in a shortened manner.
- A first stocktaking compilation of implementation measures undertaken by all federal ministries was released 2017.
- Statistik Austria plays a central role at national level. In 2017, it published its first Austria-specific set of indicators, based on the UN framework of indicators and the standards of the European Statistical System (ESS). The national indicators were updated in December 2018 and 2019. [1]As a whole, the Austrian set of indicators was substantially improved and expanded there are now around 200 indicators, some of which have even been disaggregated based on gender.[2]
In the past, transparency in, and information on the progress in the implementation of the NSTRAT was considered as equally important. Several measures were set so this end:
Work programmesProgress reportsExternal process reviewExternal evaluation: In 2005, an external evaluation of the implementation activities and results achieved regarding NSDS was conducted by a group of independent researchers. Audit by the Austrian Court of Auditors: Several audits on the NSDS and its mechanisms of horizontal and vertical integration took place also by the Austrian Court of Auditors. The results of the audits were published mostly in the Court´s Activity report Bund 2011/13 and also gave insights in the regional level of integration at that time by rendering 3 specific reports, each covering three federal states.
[1]Statistik Austria. STATISTICS BRIEF – Dezember 2018. p. 1.
[2]Statistik Austria. STATISTICS BRIEF – Dezember 2018. p. 3.