Last updated on:
Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Drafting of the new long-term strategy began during the summer of 2016. Nine topical debates on the individual contents were held in June 2016, in which more than 200 professionals and government officials participated. This was followed by a workshop in September 2016, at which a discussion was held about the first potential range of indicators for monitoring the Strategy. On the basis of the expert discussion, the Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy together with the Ministry of Finance and the Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development compiled the first draft of the strategic orientations and goals of the Slovenian Development Strategy 2030. In December 2016 and January 2017, all of the relevant government departments issued opinions on the enclosed document. An interactive conference was held in January 2017 at the level of key government officials, at which views were exchanged on the content of the individual goals and discussions were held about their mutual connections.

The contributions of the departments and participants served as an important basis for the further development of the Strategy. The connections between the individual areas were simultaneously determined through a survey which was sent to professional stakeholders in February 2017. Professional harmonisation was carried out in March and April, followed by the compiling of the first draft of the Strategy, which was sent to the departments for harmonisation in May 2017. Parallel discussions were held regarding the key performance indicators and the placement of sustainable development goals in the strategic document, and regarding the implementation and monitoring of the document. In cooperation with the OECD, an adapted long-term framework for assessing the impacts of the individual scenarios or agreed measures is being prepared, through which the achieving of the Strategy’s goals will be monitored.

On the basis of the discussions and the comments received, a second draft of the Strategy was drawn up, which included a proposal for the key performance indicators. The draft was sent to all government departments in July 2017 with a request for the determination of target values for the key performance indicators. After another thorough review of the Strategy together with the indicators and target values, the third draft of the Strategy was discussed on 22 September 2017 by the Permanent Interdepartmental Working Group for Development Planning, which approved the draft with various additional changes.

On 12 October 2017, the Slovenian government was briefed on the draft Slovenian Development Strategy 2030 and found that the materials were interdepartmentally consistent, and adopted a resolution that the document constitutes an appropriate basis for the commencement of public consultation. Public consultation on the draft Slovenian Development Strategy 2030 began on 12 October 2017 and ran through 9 November 2017. During this time, the Government Office received several contributions from various organisations and interested parties. In addition to the public consultation, several discussions were held with interested stakeholders, who wanted a more detailed presentation of the Strategy and a discussion of the draft document. After the public consultation, the draft Slovenian Development Strategy 2030 and a report on the consultation were drawn up. After a final round of interdepartmental harmonisation, the draft Strategy was discussed by the Slovenian government at its 159th regular session on 7 December 2017.