Thursday, 25 January 2024
The Romania’s Sustainable Development Strategy 2030, having taken into account the particularities of Romania and in light of the consultations performed and the feedback received from participants in the numerous public debates held with representatives from all segments of society, establishes the national priorities with respect to SD. During the Strategy elaboration process, in 2018, the DSD organized extensive debates on the topic of 2030 Agenda for SD and the role of Romania in supporting it:
- regional seminars in all the 8 development regions,
- national conference with the academic community,
- national debate with representatives of civil society,
- meeting with representatives of ministries,
- meeting with the Subcommittee for Sustainable Development (Parliament),
- debate with the national R&D institutes,
- national debate with representatives of the economic environment and employers,
- national debate with trade union leaders.
Young people are one of the most important stakeholders and component in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. In the process of the Strategy elaboration, a partnership was made between the DSD and UN Youth Romania and FOND Romania. Representatives of UN Youth Romania were part of the Strategy working group. Meetings were organized with high school students, students and masters, youth associations to popularize and co-interest in the implementation of the SDGs.
The Strategy is based on reports drawn up by government ministries and other state institutions, studies conducted under the auspices of the Romanian Academy, and other scientific and academic bodies. This strategy used the information made available by European institutions and the UN as well as suggestions and recommendations resulting from public consultations with the business community, universities, national research and development institutions, NGOs, and representatives of civil society. This strategy also took into consideration the contributions of individual experts.
In the spirit of the 2030 Agenda, in order to implement the Strategy in an efficient manner, it is necessary to enjoy the support and involvement of all actors. Young people, non-governmental organisations, the private sector, local authorities, unions, employers’ associations, research, development and innovation institutions, the academic community, mass media, the religious denominations, farmers, the elderly and families has been all involved, and will continue to be involved in activities relating to the implementation of the Strategy. In order to ensure a constant dialogue, the establishment of a Coalition for Sustainable Development, made up of representatives of civil society, is facilitated by the DSD.