Tuesday, 18 August 2020
National Level
At the national level, the updated Framework for a National Strategy for Sustainable Development will be submitted to advisory councils of the federal authorities.
Federal Level
At the federal level the 2010 Federal Act on SD describes the following consultation provisions linked to the preparation of the new FP:
- The Interdepartmental Commission on Sustainable Development (ICSD) is responsible for preparing a preliminary draft of the SD plan, which is then subjected to a legally mandatory consultation of the population. During the 60 days consultation, the Federal Council for Sustainable Development (FCSD) has to formulate its opinion on the preliminary draft plan.
- The scope and method for consulting the population is decided by the Minister on the basis of a proposal by the ICSD.
- The ICSD subsequently has 60 days to examine the FCSD opinion and the feedback from the consultation and to prepare a draft of the new plan.
- The draft plan is submitted then to the government. The government has to state the reasons for deviating from the FCSD’s unanimous opinions.
The Federal Council for Sustainable Development (FSCD) plays a central role, as it:
- expresses opinions on measures related to the federal and European sustainable development policy implemented by the federal government; provides a forum for exchange of views; proposes scientific research and stimulates the active participation of public and private sector organizations as well as the wider public;
- performs these missions at the request of the federal ministers and the legislative chambers or on its own initiative.
- Participated in the creation of the Voluntary National Review and the NSDS
With regards to the outcome of the consultations undertaken to date, there has been a wide response from experts and civil society in the preparation of the Federal Plans in each edition. In addition, there is a large body of opinions issued by the FCSD on the federal policy for sustainable development, whether at the request of the federal ministers or on its own initiative. (available on
The October 2022 Federal Plan for SD also proposes a consultation of the main federal advisory Councils on the set of indicators used to follow the SDGs.
At the Flemish level, the Decree on Sustainable Development states that sustainable development is an inclusive, participatory and coordinated process. The current Government of Flanders decided to integrate the third VSDO in Vision 2050. Vision 2050 was developed through a participatory process. In this process several departments and agencies were involved. In addition, two meetings with stakeholders were held (in total 140 participants). The objectives of the meetings were: (1) to inform the stakeholders about the content and the process, (2) to create a shared vision through feedback and input from the stakeholders, and finally (3) to appoint transition priorities for Flanders. Finally a formal request for advice to the Strategic Advisory Councils was made.
Stakeholder involvement has for a long time been a key point in Flanders. Flanders has experience with participation in the transition process of sustainable housing and living. Transition arena’s offer stakeholders the opportunity to participate. Participation has an essential role in the implementation of Vision 2050.
Brussels-Capital Region
Between 13 January and 13 March 2017, the Brussels Government held a public inquiry into the new draft of the Regional Sustainable Development Plan (RSDP). It sets priorities to make the Brussels-Capital Region more attractive, more inclusive socially and economically, more competitive, more creative in research, and greener and more efficient in its use of energy and resources
The Brussels-Capital Region defined its vision for 2040 by adopting the Regional Plan for Sustainable Development (RPSD) in July 2018. The regional plan for sustainable development aims to provide an appropriate response to the above challenges and concerns facing Brussels as a divers and dynamic urban area.
In Wallonia, the decree on the Walloon SD strategy foresees the stakeholder participation in the elaboration, implementation and follow up of the SD strategy. In the framework of the elaboration of the 2nd SD strategy, a public consultation was undertaken in order to receive comments and suggestions of civil society on the draft long term vision and action plan. Furthermore, the 2nd strategy includes in its action plan several measures to ensure the participation of civil society.