Tuesday, 18 August 2020
To implement and achieve a more prosperous, secure, sustainable and fairer future for the Maltese citizens, Malta’s sustainable development framework is underpinned by the Sustainable Development Act, Cap. 521 delineating clear assignments of responsibilities and Inter-Ministerial Coordination across Government.
Bodies such as the Guardian of Future Generations and the Sustainable Development Network established by the Sustainable Development Act, Cap. 521 aim at fostering exchange of views and national dialogue as well as overseeing the implementation of sustainable development in Malta.
The Maltese Government is also committed to provide opportunities for meaningful participation in partnership with key stakeholders on sector-specific issues, including the private sector, civil society, as well as the general public. This is achieved through public and sectoral consultations as well as public events held annually as part of the European Sustainable Development Week (ESDW) and on an ad hoc basis.
The link to the ESDW events can be found here: