Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Since 2002, several stakeholder groups, e.g. social partners, NGOs, local communities, the science community etc., were involved in the development of the GSDS. The methods used for this purpose ranged from traditional consultation processes or conferences to the possibility of delivering opinions on drafts or internet chat sessions with ministers and state secretaries.
For the 2021 update, a series of dialogue events began as early as in October 2019 with a conference in Berlin, followed up by regional conferences that took place up to February 2020 in Stuttgart, Norderstedt and Bonn, which attracted some 1400 citizens. In the first phase, around 400 verbal and written contributions were received both during and after these events. The draft Strategy update was published on 1 October 2020. On 15 October 2020, the German Government held a hearing with a broad range of stakeholders – the 2020 Sustainability Forum. By the end of October, some 360 institutions, associations, organisations and individuals had submitted responses to the draft. Responses that were cleared for publication appread on the website.
The Scientific Platform for Sustainability 2030 was launched in 2017 as hub for science, society and policy. It provides scientific expertise to support the implementation of the German Sustainable Development Strategy and the 2030 Agenda.
Since 2004, the Parliamentary Advisory Council on Sustainable Development of the German Parliament has been supporting the SD process in Germany. The Council submits proposals for updating the GSDS and provides recommendations on individual subjects relating to SD. The Council had contributed an own guest chapter to the Progress Reports of 2008 and 2012 and in the new GSDS 2016. The Council comprises 17 Members of the Parliament from all parliamentary parties who can incorporate the results of the work of the Council into the work of the parliamentary parties and special committees. Since 2009, the Parliamentary Advisory Council on Sustainable Development scrutinizes the results of sustainability impact assessments of legislation prepared by the government in the reasonings of laws and regulations. Its conclusions are used by the relevant lead committees in their own reviews of the laws.
The first plenary sustainability week of the German Parliament (which was initiated by the Parliamentary Advisory Council) was held in September 2019.
The German Council for Sustainable Development was established by the German Government in April 2001. Its members are appointed by the Chancellor. It is composed of 15 members from various social groups, the business sector as well as from the science and research community. Its mission is to advise the German government on all matters relating to SD and to contribute to the further development of the GSDS. In addition, the Council is an important stakeholder in the public dialogue on SD.
The Council organizes Annual Conferences for Sustainable Development with more than 1000 participants and with so far in each year key notes by the Chancellor. The Conference offers national and international guests the opportunity to hear and discuss about the latest SD news and issues.
In 2012, the Council has started its call for a German Sustainability Action Day respectively Action Week. All actors - regardless whether from the private, public, religious, business or academic sector - are invited to present their activities on SD and share their experience. In close cooperation with France and Austria, the European Sustainable Development Week (ESDW) was initiated and first started in 2015 with more than 4000 activities in 29 European countries. In 2021, there were 5440 initiatives in 28 countries.
A strengthened collaboration between the Council for SD, the Parliamentary Advisory Council on SD and the State Secretaries´ Committee for SD is ongoing. Each of the three institutions invites representatives of the other two to its regular meetings.
Member of the European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils (EEAC).