Tuesday, 18 August 2020
The role of the Czech Statistical Office is to provide the MoE with assistance in monitoring and reporting on the implementation of the Czech Republic 2030, co-ordinating collecting data from respective ministries and other responsible institutions. In May 2017, the availability of data in the Czech Republic on selected indicators from the global indicator framework began to be assessed. Indicators were selected based on their data availability and methodological maturity. The aim was to identify those indicators from the global set to which the Czech Republic can prove the data. Therefore, potential responsible authorities were identified and asked to assess the availability of the data for these indicators. At the end of 2018 is relevant for the Czech Republic 123 indicators from 244.
A national indicator set of 192 indicators was developed to monitor the fulfillment of national priorities defined by the Czech Republic’s 2030 objectives. These indicators will primarily be used to measure progress at the level of 97 specific objectives of the Czech Republic 2030 and have therefore been set with regard to the national context. There is the will to apply the global indicator framework for monitoring and reporting on the implementation of SDGs as much as possible.
140 well-being indicators will be further developed and position policies outcomes in broader context of social trends and take into account the distribution of outcomes through the society.
The Indicators report is planned to be submitted together with the assessing report of the Strategic Framework Czech Republic 2030 and Implementing 2030 Agenda every three years (starting 2020).
Progress reports on Strategic Framework for Sustainable Development pre SDG’s from years 2006, 2007, 2009 are available online in English language and those from 2012, 2013 and 2016 only in Czech.