Last updated on:
Tuesday, 18 August 2020

The National Statistic System (SISTAN), coordinated by the Italian National Istitute for Statistics (Istat), is in charge of guaranteeing statistical coverage to the Inter-agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (UN-IAEG-SDGs indicators) as well as to NSDS monitoring system.

Periodically, ISTAT presents an update and an extension of the set of indicators for measuring sustainable development, monitoring its objectives and published a report that analyses the indicators and their interlinkages: 2020 SDGs Report, Statistical information for 2030 Agenda in Italy. The SDGs indicators consider and integrate the well-being indicators.

Drawing on the collected data, including the yearly reports submitted by the MoE to the CIPE in accordance with art. 2 of the Delibera CIPE 108/2017, an implementation report on the NSDS is published every year.

A first set of indicators for monitoring the implementation of the NSDS has been selected with the support of the National Statistics System (SISTAN) within the framework of UN-IAEG-SDGs indicators and well-being indicators.

Regions and metropolitan cities are currently working within the NSDS proposed indicators framework, in order to deliver their own set of indicators within the regional and local strategies for sustainable development.

An annual progress report outlines the development cooperation activities implemented in the reference year and the results achieved. The Document is prepared by the MAECI and it collects contributions related to the development cooperation activities of public administrations and public entities.