Last updated on:
Tuesday, 18 August 2020

The SNSDS was elaborated through the coordination of all Government ministries led by the Inter-Ministerial Commission for the Coordination of the SNSDS.

Important initiatives related to sustainable development are:

Approved in 2011, aims to turn Spain’s productive model , characterised by excessive labour-intensive, low-skilled activities, especially in the construction sector, towards another model that promotes high added-value, technology-intensive activities. This would be achieved through a regulatory framework and tax incentives directed at promoting increased competitiveness among companies in a knowledge-based economy. The three fundamental axes around which the law is built are the improvement of the economic environment, competitiveness and environmental sustainability.

  • The Spanish Strategy for Sustainable Mobility:

Adopted in 2009, setting up the guidelines and measures regarding land use planning, transport and infrastructure, climate change and reduction of energy dependence, air quality and noise, security and health and demand management, giving special attention to fostering alternatives to private vehicles and the use of more efficient and sustainable ways of transport.

In addition, two separate networks provide an important support to environmental offices of the Regions. The first - Environmental Authorities Network (Red de Autoridades Ambientales, RAA) - is a forum for cooperation between the regional environmental authorities and the authorities responsible for programming and management of EU funds and it is co-financed by the ERDF in the framework of the EU Technical Assistance Operational Programme.

The second network – Environmental Inspection Network (Red de Inspección Ambiental – REDIA) brings together enforcement officers from regional environmental authorities and the MAGRAMA. This relatively new network has become instrumental in promoting the exchange of information and experiences between environmental authorities of the Regions on environmental inspections and developing joint technical projects in this field.

The Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) has also been proactive in mobilising environment-related activities at the local level. The FEMP has a network of Local Authorities on Biodiversity that supports municipalities in projects related to the conservation and enhancement of biodiversity in urban environments, and restoring damaged or degraded areas. And has signed with the MAGRAMA a three-year agreement with the FEMP to collaborate on climate change mitigation.