Tuesday, 18 August 2020
The main institutionalized mechanism of the horizontal policy integration for the 2030 Agenda national implementation is represented by the Government Council for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, established in 2017.
The Council is chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister for Investments and Informatisation, and co-chaired by the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs. The 2030 Agenda Coordination Department serves as a Council’s Secretariat.
The Council is a high-level advisory body of the government dealing with the issues of the 2030 Agenda national implementation, currently comprising 35 voting members, including Office of the Government, key line ministries, representatives of regional administration, academia, NGOs, government advisory bodies, employer and trade unions representatives, National Parliament, the Judicial Council of the Slovak Republic, and National Prosecutors Office. It is chaired by the DPM for Investments and Informatisation and co-chaired by the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs.
The Deputy Prime Minister established committee of officials called “Working group for Agenda 2030 and National Investment Plan”, which is directly subordinated to the Government Council for Agenda 2030. The Deputy Prime Minister´s Office initiated establishment of Expert Group on Monitoring and Indicators, which is coordinated by the Statistical Office of the SR.
In the period 2017-April 2020, the Council convened three times to discuss/approve major documents related to the 2030 Agenda national implementation:
Information available in Slovak here.
The 2030 Agenda Coordination Department at the DPMO for Investments and Informatisation has initiated involvement of analytical departments of key line ministries in the process of drafting the first national monitoring and evaluation report (due: June 2020).
EU linkages
European Semester Country Report Slovakia 2019
European Semester Country Report Slovakia 2020
According to the government decree 41/2021, adopting Slovakia 2030 – Vision and national SD strategy until 2030, the following tasks are planned: to reflect the Vision and national SD strategy until 2030 in the programming documents for EU 2021-27 programming period, to prepare an update Slovakia 2050 until 2023, and to incorporate Slovakia 2030 - Vision and national SD strategy until 2030 into sectoral and regional development strategies.