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Tuesday, 18 August 2020

At the national level, an administrative steering group under authority of the Interministerial Conference for Sustainable Development is in charge for the supervision of technical working groups’ activities.

At the federal level, horizontal coordination is undertaken through the Interdepartmental Commission on Sustainable Development (ICSD) and through the sustainable development units (SDU) created in the respective federal administrations. Additional institutions involved are the Task Force on Sustainable Development (TFSD) of the Federal Planning Bureau (FPB), the Federal Institute for Sustainable Development (IFSD) and the Federal Council for Sustainable Development (FCSD).

The ICSD as mechanism of horizontal policy coordination is responsible for:

  • preparation of the preliminary draft and the draft of the Federal Plan (FPSD); 
  • coordination of the development and update of the Long-term Vision for SD;
  • coordination of the report by its members, which provides information about the implementation of the measures through which each administration has contributed to the objectives of the FPSD; 
  • coordination of policy regarding sustainable development (e.g. through working groups on public procurements, CSR, international policy, …). 

Reference can be made to various outcomes of the mechanisms for horizontal policy coordination, inter alia the Federal Plans for Sustainable Development; Action plans in line with the FP from the SD units of the various federal administrations; opinions by the FCSD; reports by the members of the ICSD; and evaluation reports of the FPB.

Next to those institutions, the Sustainable Impact Assessment (SIA) tool has been integrated in a Regulatory Impact Assessmentsince the January 2014. The long term vision for sustainable development gave the structure to new ex ante impact assessment tool and the past experience of the SIA has been taken into account to improve the quality of the process. More information here.

At the Flemish level, horizontal integration is undertaken through the Working Group on Sustainable Development (WGSD) consisting of representatives of the different Flemish departments. There are two groups: one on policy and one on implementation. The Flemish sustainable development policy is the main topic of the first working group. The implementation working group exchanges good examples and inspires the implementation of sustainable behaviour and practices inside the Flemish administrative organisations. Besides this, a centre of expertise on sustainable development is being formed, in which more Flemish entities are involved.

As far as the Brussels-Capital Region is concerned, the Brussels Office of planning (“Bureau Bruxellois de la planification”) is in charge of the design and monitoring of studies and strategic development plans, included the Regional Sustainable Development Plan. The draft foresees as well the establishment of a support committee to support and stimulate the process.

At the Walloon level, horizontal integration is undertaken mainly through the implementation of the SD strategy. Indeed the strategy is the project of the whole Government and its implementation is under the responsibility of different Ministers and administrations each of them being in charge of the implementation of specific measures within the action plan.