Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Estonia is devoted to the UN Agenda 2030 both domestically and internationally. In addition to the 17 SDGs, Estonia is also focusing on maintaining the viability of the Estonian cultural space pursuant to the “Sustainable Estonia 21” strategy. The SDGs are the basis for the “Estonia 2035” strategy that lays down Estonia’s long-term strategic objectives and relevant policy measures. The SDGs are also implemented by integrating them into government level development plans.
The implementation of SDGs is monitored through a mechanism based on Estonian sustainable development indicators and a regular data based reviews compiled by Statistics Estonia in co-operation with the Government Office and various ministries. The list of indicators was renewed in 2017 to harmonise it with global SDGs. All central governmental indicators are available in the online data-driven “Tree of Truth” that illustrates the status of the goals by governance areas.
Since adopting the UN Agenda 2030 Estonia was presenting the second Voluntary National Review (VNR) at UN 2020 HLPF in July 2020. The first review was presented in 2016. The preparation of the VNR was coordinated by the Government Office in cooperation with the inter-ministerial working group on sustainable development, the Commission for Sustainable Development, and several non-governmental organisations. It is based on the Government’s activity reports, data collected from non-governmental organisations and enterprises, and proposals from ministries and the Commission for Sustainable Development.
Estonia is using national coordination system for sustainable development issues. Commission for Sustainable Development (established 1996) monitors the implementation of the Estonia’s Strategy on Sustainable Development and publishes appropriate reports, including making relevant proposals to the Government of the Republic to ensure the national long-term sustainable development.
- The Commission for Sustainable Development (NCSD) provides a forum for stakeholder involvement and is most instrumental in the preparation of the NSDS. After the reform of the NCSD in 2022, the representatives from national ministries were include as members of the NCSD additionally to the stakeholders. The Commission makes proposals for achieving SDGs into the development strategy "Estonia 2035",, approves the list of SD indicators, prepares and approves VNR-s and implements the SDG-s.
Government Office of Estonia
All ministries according to their field of responsibility
Eili Lepik
Government Office Strategy Unit
Estonia submitted its first Voluntary National Review in 2016 and its second VNR in 2020.