Czech RepCzech Rep
Last updated on:
Tuesday, 18 August 2020

The Strategic Framework Czech Republic 2030, adopted by the Government in 2017, is the main reference document outlining the national vision of the SDGs in the Czech Republic. It guides the work of the Council and the SD Unit; it defines long-term objectives in the social, environmental and economic pillars of sustainable development, as well as in governance, global development and regions and municipalities. It sets out 97 specific goals aimed at improving people’s wellbeing, and it serves as an overarching framework for sectoral, regional and local strategies.

In 2018, the Government adopted other two important documents. The Implementation plan of the Strategic Framework Czech Republic 2030 includes 277 measures and more than 300 recommendations for fulfilling of the 97 specific goals. The aim of the document is to ensure the coherence of the Czech Republic 2030’s objectives with other strategic and conceptual materials and to introduce the measures and recommendations through which its vision will be put into practice. Implementation of the Czech Republic 2030 as an overarching strategic document is not linked exclusively to this Implementation plan, but its objectives must be reflected in the follow-up strategic documents at all levels.

The second 2018 document, Implementing the Agenda 2030 in Czech Republic, in turn, assesses the SDGs’ relevance in internal and external dimension, sets out responsibilities to the relevant targets (at ministerial level), defines interlinkages between the Agenda 2030 and the Czech Republic 2030, and sets the key (and general) measures for the fulfilling of the SDGs in the Czech Republic that goes beyond the Czech Republic 2030 scope.

Civil Society Organisations (hereinafter „CSOs“) have been involved closely throughout the planning and design of the SDG process. The drafting of the Czech Republic 2030 has been carried out in close cooperation with ministries, local and regional authorities, parliamentary representatives and a wide range of other stakeholders, including civil society, the private sector, academia and the labour unions (See Participation below).

The process of implementation of the 2030 Agenda at the national level is coordinated by the Sustainable Development Unit at the MoE and continuously consulted at the Government Council on Sustainable Development. The Council is chaired by the Minister of the Environment and made up of 38 representatives of ministries, parliament, the private sector, trade unions, academia, civil society and regions and municipalities, and is divided into thematic expert committees. The Council’s main tasks are to find consistency over long-term priorities and to assess key trends in SD at both national and global levels.

Administrative and technical support is provided by the Sustainable Development Unit at the MoE. One of its essential tasks is to coordinate the activities and meetings of the Council and its Committees and Working Groups. Other tasks of the SD Unit are to guarantee interdepartmental cooperation and coordination of the implementation and reporting of SD policy and the coherence of strategic documents with the Czech Republic 2030. It plays important role in the context of strengthening of international cooperation (esp. EU, OECD, UN) and international relations.

The SD Unit also ensures the popularization and communication of SD. For this purpose, the Sustainable Development Forum and the Sustainable Development Week are organized annually. In addition, the SD Unit communicate its activities and share the information regarding SD in the Czech Republic on the website. The website includes information about the meetings of GSCD and the reports of the Committees and information about all above mentioned strategic documents. One section is dedicated to voluntary commitments by which everyone – individuals, municipalities, NGOs, private sector etc. – can contribute to the fulfilling of SDGs and national goals. Furthermore, the SD Unit actively uses the Facebook webpage which is aimed to popularize the topic of SD. 


The GCSD was established by the Government Resolution No. 778 of 30 July 2003 as a permanent advisory, initiating and coordinating body of the Government of the Czech Republic for sustainable development and strategic management. In 2006, the Council was transferred to the MoE of the Czech Republic and after 2010 faced significant capacity constraints.

Hence, in 2014, the GCSD was transferred to support its political mandate back to the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic.

In April 2018, the government decided to shift the performance and coordination of the SD agenda back to the MoE. At the same time, it approved a new Council Statute, according to which the Minister of Environment is the Chairman of the Council with the Minister of Regional Development as its Co-Chairman.

Leading Ministry and respective unit

Sustainable Development Unit at the Ministry of the Environment.

Other ministries involved

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic and all other ministries of the Czech Republic.

Main contact point for the implementation process

Sustainable Development Unit at the Ministry of the Environment.

Voluntary National Reviews

The Czech Republic underwent VNR for the first time in 2017, at which time the Strategic Framework Czech Republic 2030 was only recently adopted.

The Czech Republic submitted its second VNR in 2021.