Tuesday, 18 August 2020
There is no strategy specifically dedicated to the implementation of the Agenda 2030. However, the National Development Programme: Bulgaria 2020 is the leading strategic and programme document, which specifies the goals of policies for development until 2020. Multiple sectoral strategies in all policy areas are linked with SDG implementation (e.g. Environment, Transport, Education, Tourism, Social Inclusion). Тhe Government’s Programme of the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2017-2021 includes priorities and measures in all policy areas.
The National Development Programme: Bulgaria 2020 offers an integrated and multilateral approach and encourages intersectoral cooperation.
Bulgaria attaches equal importance to the 17 SDGs and all of them are reflected in various government strategies.
In the Europe 2020 National Reform Programme of Bulgaria for 2020, the Ministry of Finance provides a progress review of the implementation of the National Targets under the Europe 2020 Strategy and progress towards the SDGs. The Ministry of Finance also reviews the links between funding, investment, priority axes and specific SDGs.
All ministries are responsible for the internal implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in charge of the external implementation. The goals and objectives of international development cooperation policies are specified in the Mid-term Programme for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid. The International Development Cooperation Council and a Development Policy Interinstitutional Working Group have been established to coordinate related activities.
Each Priority of the National Development Programme BULGARIA 2030 will be assigned to a certain ministry or agency. All priorities are directly linked to certain SDGs.
National Statistical Institute: Monitorstat – Platform with SDG indicators