Last updated on:
Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Following the adoption of the 2030 Agenda, the Federal Council commissioned a comprehensive review of the status of implementation in Switzerland, covering all policy sectors of the Federal Government. The baseline assessment covered all 169 SDG targets and included both Switzerland’s domestic and foreign policy contributions. The results indicate that the 2030 Agenda action areas are well embedded in federal policies. At the same time, the survey also identified challenges for progressively pursuing the Goals. This report forms the basis for Switzerland’s 2018 Voluntary National Review (VNR). Both documents serve as a status report by the Swiss Confederation and provide a baseline to enable a targeted response to the challenges facing the country.

In December 2018, The Federal Council reinforced the Agenda's implementation with a new organizational structure within the federal government. The creation of an interdepartmental '2030 Agenda Steering Committee', and the appointment of two Delegates of the Federal Council for the 2030 Agenda are core elements of this. The new structure will fully anchor the 2030 Agenda within the federal administration, and the Agenda will continue to be implemented as part of the sectoral policies of the individual federal agencies and departments.

Leading Ministry and respective unit

The Federal Council has supreme political responsibility for Switzerland's sustainability policy. It has given the Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE) the task of coordinating the implementation of the Sustainable Development Strategy (controlling implementation, as well as performing monitoring and evaluation tasks) at federal level, as well as in collaboration with the cantons, communes, and other stakeholders.

Ministry: Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications DETEC and Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA.

Unit: Federal Office for Spatial Development ARE; Directorate of Political Affairs.

Other ministries involved

All ministries are involved in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

Main contact point for the implementation process

Daniel Dubas, Delegate of the Federal Council for the 2030 Agenda.