Tuesday, 18 August 2020
In 2016, the Slovak government started to integrate the Agenda 2030 into the national strategic context. The starting point of this work was done by the Institute for Forecasting of the Slovak Academy of Science, in cooperation with the line ministries and their analytical units. This work resulted in the study “The Baselines for National Priorities of Agenda 2030”.
This document served as a basis for a broad participative process coordinated by the 2030 Agenda Coordination Department in 2018, which resulted in the Proposal of 6 national priorities of the 2030 Agenda implementation (see above).
Reflecting upon new pandemic crisis and recent EC policies and strategies, the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatisation (MIRRI SR) has redrafted its national sustainable development strategy until 2030.
Slovakia 2030 - the vision and national sustainable development strategy until 2030 - was approved by the Slovak government on 20 January 2021. Prepared in a participative process, the document is based on National priorities for 2030 Agenda implementation (2018) and reflects upon new developments both in national and European context - namely adoption of the European Green Deal, new Slovak government formed in April 2020 as well as COVID-19 pandemic situation. Slovakia 2030 integrates both sectoral and regional development priorities as it stands for a national regional development strategy, too. Slovakia 2030 builds on 4 core principles: a) sustainability (i.e. balance between available resources and their use), b) priority of quality of life to economic growth, c) effectiveness based on synergies, and d) integration of policies and policy tools. Its aims at harmonising sectoral and regional policies, and at providing a guidance in programming and implementation of the EU funds within the EU 2021-2027 programming period. Slovakia 2030 is structured into 3 integrated development programmes: 1. Protection and development of resources, 2. Sustainable use of resources, and 3. Development of communities. It also contains a set of 82 national indicators. It is expected to be reviewed by 2023 in a form of a national development strategy until 2050.
Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic
The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic – responsible for international dimension of the 2030 Agenda, SMOP – Directorate General for International Organisations, Development Assistance and Humanitarian Aid
Slovak Aid and Slovak Aid publications
Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic – responsible for national indicators for the 2030 Agenda
Valéria Bankóová
Chief of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Section
Institute for Strategies and Analyses
Office of the Government