Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Federal level
SDGs implementation will occur through existing mechanisms of the federal strategy for sustainable development and a dedicated implementation plan to broaden the commitments. The existing Interdepartmental Commission on SD (ICSD) will be the platform to implement the SDGs in the existing instruments:
- The long-term vision on SD exists since 2013 and encompasses 55 goals towards 2050, the ICSD will match this with the new SDGs so as to create synergies.
- The Federal Plan for SD coordinates action between the different Federal Ministries (officially known as Federal Public Services) for the following five years, it takes into account the SDGs.
- A mapping exercise of the federal policy has been conducted in 2016, followed by a gap analysis in 2017 with a view to anchoring each SDG target within a Federal Ministry or at the level of subnational governments.
- Annual reports from the ICSD will contribute to the follow up and review of the SDGs : last Report published in April 2019 presents how the federal public services are contributing to the SDGs.
- The Federal reports on SD, from the Federal Planning Bureau also contributes to the follow up and review of Agenda 2030, through their database of SD indicators and work on policy evaluation tools.
- A report on Sustainable Development Indicators, published each year in February by the Federal Planning Bureau, assesses the progress towards the SDGs.
- Furthermore the Federal Ministries (officially known as Federal Public Services) will be stimulated and supported to implement the SDGs in their operations and policy by an array of tools (SD objectives in their own action plan, public procurement procedures etc.).
- Finally, the advisory body (Federal Council for sustainable development) composed of representatives from civil society organizations will also review the progress towards SDGs.
The SDGs also touch on subnational competences, as such the already existing Interministerial Conference on Sustainable Development (IMCSD) is reinvigorated to enhance cooperation within the Belgian framework. One of the themes of this IMCSD will be the implementation of the SDGs in the National Strategy on SD. Whereas the interaction with the European and multilateral level is concerned, existing coordination platforms for political and strategic orientation (e.g. Coormulti and DGE) will continue serve as mechanisms to determine the common Belgian position by taking on board the positions of the federal and federated entities.
In terms of external action, the Belgian development cooperation focuses especially on the needs of LDCs and fragile states/environments. At least 50% of ODA should be channeled towards LDC’s and fragile states and, accordingly, 12 out of 14 partner countries of the Belgian development cooperation are LDCs. 13 out of the 14 partner countries are African countries and 10 of the 14 countries are considered by the OECD as (extremely) fragile states.
Furthermore, Belgium works through SDG references in multi-annual cooperation arrangements with multilateral partner organizations, and through multilateral efforts to make the whole UN development system more « fit for purpose ». Thematic priorities across the board in the Belgian international development efforts in support of Agenda 2030 will be a right-based approach and inclusive, sustainable growth.
Flanders endorses all 17 SDG’s of the United Nations in its Vision 2050, the long term strategy of the Flemish Government. The 7 transition priorities (implementation of the long term strategy) will contribute to accomplishing the SDG’s on the subnational level. This will mainly be monitored by existing structures. However, a new governance model, based upon the principles of the transition management approach, was conducted. Hereby responsible ministers were designated for each transition priority. Besides the responsible ministers, transition managers within the Flemish public administration were appointed.
Flanders introduced an SDG lens into its new, multiannual Country Strategy Papers and held a stakeholders consultation moment on the 18th of April 2016 within a broader exercise to adapt its development cooperation policy to the new paradigm of the 2030 ASD.
The 2nd Walloon Sustainable Development Strategy, adopted on 7 July 2016, aims to implement SDGs at the regional level along with other global or sectoral policies and plans. This Strategy fully integrates the SDGs adopted at UN level 10 months before the adoption of the strategy. The long-term vision of the strategy "reflects a region in which all 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted at the UN Summit will be achieved". SDGs are also presented as the short and medium term objectives for Wallonia in terms of sustainable development, and the axes of the action plan are related to SDGs. Specific actions of the Strategy are dedicated to monitor SDGs and to raise awareness about the 2030 Agenda.
Concerning monitoring, the Walloon Government has adopted its first SDGs’ implementation report in April 2017. It includes an inventory of the Walloon strategies, programs and plans that contribute to achieving the SDGs, an analysis of 70 indicators selected to monitor SDGs in Wallonia and a set of good practices implemented by Walloon public institutions, civil society and the private sector. An update of the list of indicators is being carried out for a publication planned for the autumn of 2019. In addition to the temporal update of the data, some indicators are added to offer a better views of the progress of Wallonia towards SDGs.
Concerning awareness raising, as SDGs were not yet sufficiently known in Wallonia, the Sustainable Development Directorate has defined a communication strategy focused on SDGs and three priority target groups: local authorities, businesses, young people (aged between 15 and 20). It includes the production of tools (including visual aids and/or methodological guides and video capsules adapted to each audience), events and the facilitation of networking of actors, as well as devices for making SDG actions and good practices more visible. For more details, see the web page.
Finally the Walloon government has decided to include in each draft decision a chapter explaining to which SDGs the decision will contribute.
Brussels-Capital Region
The Brussels-Capital Region has undergone profound changes and is now facing new challenges, such as rapid demographic growth, access to housing, access to employment, training and education, functional and social diversity, poverty, environment, mobility and internationalisation. Between 13 January and 13 March 2017, the Brussels Government held a public inquiry into the new draft of the Regional Sustainable Development Plan (RSDP). It sets priorities to make the Brussels-Capital Region more attractive, more inclusive socially and economically, more competitive, more creative in research, and greener and more efficient in its use of energy and resources.
An Interministerial Conference for Sustainable Development (IMCSD) – gathering the respective ministers in charge of SD and Development Cooperation of the different authorities – was established in 2012. This IMCSD has been mandated to follow-up the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Belgium including by to coordinating the preparation of reports on progress made and challenges faced. See also the relevant SD institutions already described.
No information available.
The Interministerial Conference for Sustainable Development (IMCSD) – gathering the respective ministers in charge of SD and other relevant ministers like the minister of development coordination and regional prime ministers was established in 2012. This SD interministerial conference has been mandated to follow-up the implementation of the Agenda in Belgium including by coordinating the preparation of reports on progress made and challenges faced. The presidency used to rotate between the members on a half-year base but to ensure coherence since 2016 the rotation will happen on an annual base. At this moment Flanders has taken up the presidency. After 2017, however, IMCSD work at the political level has come to a standstill.
The fruitful interactions of the above mentioned ICSD, TFSD and FCSD in the short and long run are placed under the authority of the Minister or Secretary of State on Sustainable Development, supported by the Federal Institute for Sustainable Development (FISD – formerly known as Federal Public Planning Service for SD).
Federal Institute for Sustainable Development
Cédric Van de Walle (coordinator strategy & planning)
phone: +32 (2) 501 04 69
Federal Planning Bureau, Task force Sustainable development
Patricia Delbaere (coordinator)
phone: +32 (2) 507 74 73
Flemish Government, Department of Public Governance and the Chancellery,
Sustainable Development Unit
Ilse Dries (Director)
Elisabeth Bonne
Filip François
Nancy Matthys
Boudewijnlaan 30, bus 20, room 7A17
1000 Brussel
Tel. 02-553 54 44 - Fax 02-553 59 59
The directorate on Sustainable Development was set up in July 2012 by the Walloon Government. It is under the General Secretariat of the Walloon administration.
Directorate of Sustainable Development
Public Service of Wallonia - Secretariat General
Place Joséphine Charlotte, 2
5100 Jambes (Namur)
Natacha ZUINEN (Head of Department)
phone: +32 (0) 81.321.543
The Brussels-Capital region
Anne SAUDMONT Bruxelles Environnement - IBGE
Div. Information, Coordination générale, Economie circulaire
Département international et juridique
Site de Tour & Taxis
Avenue du Port 86C/3000 B-1000 Bruxelles
phone : +32 (2) 563.43.93
The German speaking community
Daniel Hilligsmann (Berater)
Regierung der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft
Kabinett des Ministerpräsidenten, Oliver Paasch
Postanschrift: Klötzerbahn 32, B-4700 Eupen
Amtssitz des Ministerpräsidenten: Gospertstraße 42, B-4700 Eupen
Tel. +32 (0)87 789 631, Fax +32 (0) 87 786 722
Internet: /
Belgium submitted a VNR in 2017.
It plans to submit its second VNR in 2023.